Dr Justin Mora
Cataract and Refractive Surgeon
Paediatric, Strabismus and Glaucoma Specialist
Shaffer Glaucoma Fellow, University of California, San Francisco 1994 -1995
Fellow in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Indiana University, Indiana 1995 – 1996
About Justin’s career
Dr Justin Mora is a highly experienced paediatric ophthalmologist and strabismus surgeon dealing with binocular vision complaints in any age group. He specialises in cataract surgery, laser refractive surgery (LASIK/SMILE), paediatric ophthalmology, strabismus and glaucoma.
He is a member of American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus and is involved with three Australian and New Zealand ophthalmology special interest groups – Glaucoma, Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. He is the New Zealand representative on the International Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Council and does voluntary work teaching Ophthalmologists in South-East Asia.
Justin was the Chief Examiner for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) for 6 years and then Censor-in-Chief (Head of Education) for another 6 years. He was responsible for revising the selection criteria and the curriculum for ophthalmology training in Australia and New Zealand and also helped develop the curriculum for Papua New Guinea. He remains actively involved in training, holds an appointment as an Ophthalmology Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Auckland Medical School and has authored or co-authored over 25 publications mainly in the areas of glaucoma, paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. He divides his very busy schedule between Auckland Eye and Greenlane Clinical Centre
About Justin
Justin had his heart set on becoming an eye specialist by the time he was 16 years old and he says he never had any reason to regret that choice. “I imagined it as a challenging career that would allow me to make a genuine positive contribution to people’s lives and that’s certainly how it feels now. I enjoy working with people of all age groups and seeing the improvement in quality of life for people after cataract or laser surgery is wonderful. But I confess I get particular pleasure out of working with children; making a difference for a little person is especially rewarding.”

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