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Protecting your eyes at work

One of the most common causes of eyestrain and blurred vision after a long day at work is staring at computer screens for extensive periods of time.

Presbyopia: “Are my eyes too old surgery?”

As we reach middle age, our eyes become less able to adjust our focusing ability to different distances.

What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

If you have an eye exam and are told you have 20/20 (or 6/6) vision, does this mean you have perfect eyesight? What does that ACTUALLY mean?

Cataract Surgery -Kevin S., a patient story

With an inquisitive mind, hunger for learning and a lively spirit, Kevin had always found great joy in the small things in life.

Are you an athlete having eye problems?

Glasses and contacts are inconvenient for anyone, but even more so for athletes who play sports and don’t want to break their glasses.

Pioneering laser vision treatment gives mother the gift of perfect vision – Kama Bone, a patient story

Being a dedicated mother of an active 7 year old daughter, Kama never enjoyed using contact lenses and glasses and the hassles that came with them.

Eye Colour Is More Unique Than Your Fingerprint

While it is possible that you may share blue eyes with your immediate family, how that colour appears in your eyes is unique to you.

Your Career and Your Eye-Sight

There are many career types that rely greatly on their vision. Striving to achieve your professional aspirations is all about staying focused.

You can only shoot as fast as you can see – Raymond O’Brien, a patient story.

Raymond O'Brien enjoyed great vision, but his sporting success came amidst growing visual challenges in the form of presbyopia and cataracts.

Auckland Eye answers your Cataract questions

Do you need some information about cataracts? Here Auckland Eye answers the most common cataract questions we get such as 'what are cataracts?'

25 seconds to 20/20 – SMILE Laser vision correction

For patients seeking vision correction through laser eye surgery, the primary goal is to see clearly without glasses or contact lenses.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Dry Eyes

Many of us have grown up with our parents telling us "eat your fish, it is good for your brain".

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