Dry Eye | Meibomian Glands
Surekha Parag, our Dry Eye Optometrist, is reviewing meibomian gland images that have been captured on Auckland Eye’s LipiView® machine.
Surekha Parag, our Dry Eye Optometrist, is reviewing meibomian gland images that have been captured on Auckland Eye’s LipiView® machine.
Auckland Eye whishes to remind everyone of fire safety and eye conditions that may be caused caused or aggravated by the lingering smoke hazard.
We have collated a list of other drinks that will provide you with the best nutrients for eye health
To sustain good eyesight we need to be eating the right foods.
Winter can leave our eyes feeling dry and itchy however, there are many ways that you can combat the winter weather to protect your eyes.
Cold Weather Woes: 6 Ways Winter Can Affect Your Eyes
After the unexpected discovery of advanced cataracts in both eyes earlier this year, Linda Wyatt came to Auckland Eye for cataract surgery.
Did you know, the use of eye makeup can potentially have negative effects for your eye health?
Do you suffer from dry, itchy, red eyes? If so, you are not alone.
Healthy Vision Month is a great opportunity to learn about eye health and make sure you take the necessary steps to maintain healthy vision.
Any excuse to eat chocolate is great, and when it also has health benefits to your eyes it is even better!
Did you know that women make up 2/3 of those living with blindness or visual impairment?